High Summer

There are several iterations of summer in Scotland. At the moment I would say we are in ‘high summer’, where the sheer abundance of fruit and mushrooms can feel a bit overwhelming! We’ve had several weeks of rain and boy, it shows. This week I found my first porcinis of the season:

Porcini coming up through the moss

It’s also proving to be an exceptional year for chanterelles. I already found them last week, and I’ve continued to find them on every single bike ride. Here’s a wee beauty:

Aberdeenshire Gold

In our greenhouse and on the windowsill, things are also happening. A few days ago I found myself the proud ‘parent’ of my first ever aubergine. It was huge and the colour intensely purple. I’ve done it justice in a wonderful oven bake with tomato and cheese.

Since discovering Barberries last week, I’ve been finding them everywhere. Mostly in people’s front gardens, where a knock on the door and a friendly question was all that was required to top up my stock. By yesterday I had enough for a batch of wine!

The living room is now a brewery, with two big containers doing the first round of bulk fermentation for our two wines; blackcurrant and barberry. By the end of this week it will all be transferred into glass demijohns and the happy ‘bloop-ing’ from the airlocks can begin!

Finally, my rescue tomato plant Shirley is bearing fruit! What an awesome transformation that has been, from near-death to absolutely thriving. Sadly her inaugural consumption took place in torrential rain today, but I did enjoy it!

Today marks a full year since I last had a cup of coffee (I stopped when I went ‘wild for a month last August). It also marks a year since I last ate supermarket fruit. Our Shire has been able to provide for us, 365 days – and counting!

2 thoughts on “High Summer

  1. Sjoerd van den bos August 1, 2023 / 4:30 pm

    Het ziet er allemaal weer lekker uit
    Zijner ook koffieplantages in schotland, of iets dat de smaak ervan evenaart ?


    • mirjambrady August 1, 2023 / 4:34 pm

      Haha, nee, die hebben we hier niet! Het enige wat vrij en blij groeit en caffeine bevat is kleefkruid, de ronde zaadjes die aan je kleding blijven kleven. Die kan je roosteren en vermalen. Dat deed ik vorig jaar in het begin wel als een soort ‘afkickmethode’, maar ben nu helemaal van de caffeine af.


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